HYBRIDRICE,brown rice是什么意思


1,brown rice是什么意思

brown rice 的意思是:糙米 rice 读法 英 [raɪs] 美 [raɪs] 短语: 1、hybrid rice 杂交稻;杂种稻 2、rice bran 米糠 3、glutinous rice 糯米 示例: Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains. 糙米和其他谷物属非精制的碳水化合物。 扩展资料词语用法: 1、rice的基本意思是“稻”,也可指“稻米,大米”,还可指“米饭”。 2、rice为不可数名词,因此,说“一粒米”要用a grain of rice; “多粒米”要用grains of rice; “两碗米饭”要用two bowls of boiled rice。 词汇搭配: 1、husk rice 碾米 2、mill rice 磨米 3、process rice 碾米 4、raise rice 种稻 5、reap rice 收割稻子

brown rice是什么意思


rice 英 [raɪs] 美 [raɪs] n. 稻;米饭 vt. 把…捣成米糊状 n. (Rice)人名;(瑞典)里瑟;(塞)里采;(英)赖斯 短语 rice weevil [植保] 米象 ; 米象甲 ; 水稻象鼻虫 ; 昆虫 Rice University 莱斯大学 ; 赖斯大学 ; 美国赖斯大学 ; 美国莱斯大学 Condoleezza Rice 康多莉扎·赖斯 ; 赖斯 ; 美国前国务卿赖斯 ; 美国国务卿赖斯 扩展资料 同近义词 nasi ['nɑ:si] n. 米饭(马来语) n. (Nasi)人名;(意)纳西 短语 Nasi Kuning 黄姜饭 ; 姜黄饭 ; 黄米饭 nasi lemek 咖喱饭 ; 椰浆饭 ; 干咖喱牛肉 limen nasi [解剖] 鼻阈 ; 鼻限 双语例句 1、Nasi Lemak is a popular Malay dish made of rice cooked in coconut milk. 椰浆饭是马来人最普遍的食品,虽然在每个新加坡的大排档都可以找得到,但只有马来人做的才是最好味、最正宗的。 2、Visitors to Malaysia inevitably find themselves ordering the delightfully simple nasi goreng. 来马来西亚旅游的人们都必然会点上一份简单的印尼炒饭(nasi goreng)。 3、Nasi goreng is a fried rice dish popular in Indonesia, while rambutans are a tropical fruit with a sweet translucent flesh. 炒饭是印尼的一种著名的美食,红毛丹是一种味道甘甜、肉质透明的亚热带水果。

3,英语作文杂交水稻之父(Father of Hybrid Rice)

So far, the world's average per-mu yield of rice remained at approximately 200 kg. Chinese Yuan Longping led his research team, through the haze of science to give the world the power of a strong fight against hunger. Therefore, China's hybrid rice by the world known as the "Oriental magic rice." Rice even higher than in sorghum, rice was also longer than the broom, rice as big as peanuts, he and his aides sat on rice cool shade below! Cities and villages, river north and south, both inside and outside China in the human will never be hungry, they excitedly spread the news of a legendary name - Yuan Longping1. In September 1930 in Beijing, Yuan Longping, a child born on the dream of becoming a scientist 2. Since 1953, graduated from Southwestern University, he has been conducting scientific research in agriculture 3. The last century 70's, he found very difficult to improve rice production, we decided to engage in hybrid rice research 4. There is no doubt that he was the world's food production has made great contributions to 5. Because of his great achievements, he received many honors and awards, including the "World Food Prize"


rice是不可数名词,一粒米需要用 a grain of rice,一袋米需要用 a bag of rice. rice 英 [raɪs] 美 [raɪs] 释义: n. 稻;米饭 vt. 把…捣成米糊状 n. (Rice)人名;(瑞典)里瑟;(塞)里采;(英)赖斯 短语 rice weevil [植保] 米象 ; 米象甲 ; 水稻象鼻虫 ; 昆虫 puffed rice 米香 ; 爆米花 ; 爆米 ; 炒米花 Hybrid rice 杂交水稻 ; 杂交稻 ; 杂种稻 造句: Japanese farmers grow rice. 日本农民种植水稻。 Rice yields will be higher than last year. 稻产量将高于去年。 Dropping ears of rice promise another good harvest. 沉甸甸的稻穗预示着又一个丰收。




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